Sunday, January 8

I miss that face.

Honest to God
My husband is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen.
I still look at him, and his pictures, and his face on skype and it breaks my heart. I truly and honestly am obsessed with his face.

Here... look for yourself.

Not that any one of you wanted to see 100 pictures of Andrew (not sure why you wouldn't) but I just had to. I had to post. I had to say this. I just miss being able to look into his eyes at night and fall asleep.

I think the thing that I find the most comforting is that I know I will always feel this way. I will always think he is so beautiful. I will always want to rip off his clothes. And I will always feel happier staring into the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen with the most perfect eye lashes that have ever existed on a mad, then I will ever feel doing anything else. it's just a fact. And I am always going to be happy watching him hold our little ones! 

I just AM the luckiest
I am.


  1. SO happy for you Dani to FINALLY have this. You deserve it. We are praying for you guys. Love you.

  2. Jess thank you so much! I really did wait a long time to feel that overwhelming perfectness with my partner and also have my very best friend in the world. I appreciate the prayers! it's a hard year but we are strong!! Love you and Bryce and that darling little boy of yours! So lucky! he is beautiful!!
